Search Engine Land

Meet The 25-Year-Old Who Saved “SEO” From Being Trademarked

Back in April 2008, Jason Gambert began his attempt to trademark SEO. But last week, Gambert’s claim was formally blocked.…

Back in April 2008, Jason Gambert began his attempt to trademark SEO. But last week, Gambert’s claim was formally blocked. That wasn’t due to a big company or industry group fighting it. It came down to a few individuals in the SEO industry, with ultimately one woman —  Rhea Drysdale — who fought to the end using her own money and time to beat it.


Preparing Employees For the Front Lines… of your brand

on May 11 by Lisa Barone

Once again, Amber Naslund is right on the money. Amber’s right when she says it doesn’t matter how great your…


Google Wants You to Out Good Sites. Really!

on Aug 29 by Rhea Drysdale

Yesterday, Google’s Head of Web Spam, Matt Cutts, shared a link to a simple Docs survey where they’re asking webmasters…


Back to Basics: Defining Your SEO Strategy

on Jun 22 by Rhea Drysdale

Hey-oh! Rhea here and guess what? I’m supposed to leave for vacation in about six hours. I know I’m a…

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