Back in April 2008, Jason Gambert began his attempt to trademark SEO. But last week, Gambert’s claim was formally blocked. That wasn’t due to a big company or industry group fighting it. It came down to a few individuals in the SEO industry, with ultimately one woman — Rhea Drysdale — who fought to the end using her own money and time to beat it.
Meet The 25-Year-Old Who Saved “SEO” From Being Trademarked
Back in April 2008, Jason Gambert began his attempt to trademark SEO. But last week, Gambert’s claim was formally blocked.…
When Guest Posts Fail
on Jan 28 by Rhea Drysdale
No one likes to feel rejected, especially in forty point font (true story), but success isn’t a guarantee in our…
Content Strategy
A Quick & Dirty Legal Guide For Bloggers
on Feb 4 by Lisa Barone
If you’re looking for blogging best practices, there’s certainly no shortage of them on the Web. Experts will line up…
Social Media
Connecting & Leapin’ With Influencer Overlords
on Dec 21 by Lisa Barone
I pulled the 10 Lords A’Leapin card. Fitting. So let’s talk about leaping for a moment, shall we? Social leaping.…