Twitter Debuts Twitter Local Trends

January 22, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Social Media

Want something sexy for your Friday? How about Twitter Local Trends?

That’s what my Twitter feed look like about half an hour ago. If you’re not seeing it, don’t worry. According to Twitter’s Alex McCauley (@anm), Local Trends is it’s being rolled out to a small subset of users. As I was among the last to get Twitter Lists, perhaps they’re making it up to me by giving me this one early. :)  Obviously the City/Country selection is pretty limited right now with only a dozen or so cities [screen shot below] but this has some awesome potential for users and business owners looking to find out what’s hot in their areas and connect with customers.  The new Trends allow you to designate your local area so that you can see the news and trends most relevant to where you’re from.

Twitter Local Trends Side by Side Comparison:

The West Coast is commenting about the nonstop rain that’s flooded the area and the CA-based Coachella event.  In the UK it switches over to opera singer Bernie Nolan.  Noise gone. Signal achieved. Thoughts?

[Additional coverage at TechCrunch and Mashable; both are using our photos. :)]

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