The Business Journals

Google, You Autocomplete Me

“To know how to get out of something, it helps to know how you got into it in the first…

“To know how to get out of something, it helps to know how you got into it in the first place. Rhea Drysdale, CEO of SEO firm Outspoken Media, outlined what goes into an Autocomplete result in a blog post. Drysdale guesses the ingredients in the secret formula are: search volume, personalization, short-term popularity, misspellings and variations, automated results, and a filter for things like hate speech.”

Content Strategy
Content Strategy

Corporate Blogging: Build the Blog or The Blogger?

on Jul 8 by Lisa Barone

You’ve decided to start a corporate blog. Fantastic. There are some questions you’re going to have to answer. When you…

Online Marketing
Online Marketing

Avoid The Debilitating Dangers of ‘iPad Brain’

on Mar 3 by Lisa Barone

Yesterday, super geeks everywhere were introduced to the iPad 2, a next generation device said to be 33 percent slimmer,…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

PubCon Las Vegas 2012: Day 1 Coverage

on Oct 16 by Pearl Higgins

Hi there! We’re wrapping up the first day of PubCon Las Vegas 2012 and it was packed with so much…

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