“Faster than you can say “brandjacking,” bloggers, usually in love with the kind Mr. Godin, cried foul. Posting discussions about brands without their permission? Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media called it “hostage taking.” TechCrunch said Godin was forcing brands to “unlock” their pages for a price.”
In Defense of Godin, Google, and Open Systems
“Faster than you can say “brandjacking,” bloggers, usually in love with the kind Mr. Godin, cried foul. Posting discussions about…
Online Marketing
The Indispensable Items of Outspoken Media
on Aug 13 by Rae Hoffman-Dolan
Everyone has some things they can’t live without in their working environment and we’re no different. Below you’ll find the…
Online Marketing
5 Content Usability Tips for Mobile Sites
on May 9 by Lisa Barone
Hey. It’s a new week and you’re busy. So what do you say we just agree that your audience is…
Internet Marketing Conferences
Hardcore Local SEO Tactics
on Jun 8 by Lisa Barone
Hey, hey! It’s the LAST session of SMX Advanced 2011! Can you believe it? Feels like just yesterday we were…