Liveblogging, Speaking Schedule for SESNY 2010

March 16, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

It’s time to do it all again! Though it seems like SMX West is just barely behind us (cause, well, it is) it’s time to focus our eyes on another great search conference. A week from today, both Rae and myself will be headed down to Search Engine Strategies New York to blog, speak, and, of course, to hopefully meet some new great people. After yesterday’s group hug, we all have a lot to celebrate. So come celebrate with us.

Where can you find Outspoken Media during the show? Well, I’ll tell you.

If you were bummed to miss her at West, Rae will be speaking on two Thursday sessions during SES NY. She’ll be part of the great PPC or SEO? The Ultimate Search Marketing Battle panel and will also participate in the Conversion Site Clinic later in the day.
I will, of course, be manning the liveblogging. In fact, I’ll be blogging more sessions in a single conference than ever before, so I hope you’ll come hang out with us here on the blog during the show. You’ll either get to watch me beat a personal best OR you’ll watch me die. In real-time. I mean, what’s more exciting than that?

Here’s a sneak peak at the schedule.

Tuesday, March 23

9:00-10:15am: Opening Keynote with David Meerman Scott
10:45-11:45pm: Digital Asset Optimization
12:45-1:45pm: SEO Performance Marketing
2:00-3:00pm: Keynote Panel: Search Marketing: Analyze This
3:30-4:30pm: Pushing Content via XML, RSS & Site Maps
4:45-5:45pm: Augmented Reality: It’s a Brave New World

Wednesday, March 24

9:00-10:00am: Morning Keynote – Be Awesome: Ideas for Approaching Search Analytics Differently
10:30-11:45am: Social and Search: Integrating Social Media and Search to Drive the Brand
12:45-1:45pm: Keynote Panel – Video: The Next Digital Marketing Frontier
2:15-3:30pm: Automating Twitter [I have a feeling this is going to dirty. Or that maybe I’m just going to get dirty. Stay tuned to see.]
3:45-4:45pm: Storyteller Marketing: The Art of Storytelling Matches Up With the Business of Marketing
5:00-6:00pm: SEO Super Tools
7:00-8:00pm: White Hat, Black Hat Unconferenced [happening live from the bar! You’ll only get this one from us.] [Yeeeeah, so this turned out to be an unbloggable free-for-all. We tried.]

Thursday, March 25

9:00-10:00am: Morning Keynote – The Evolution of Search: End Users Signal The Way
10:30-11:45am: PPC or SEO? The Ultimate Search Marketing Battle
12:45-2:00pm: The Business Value of Social Media
2:15-3:30pm: Social & the Marketing Mix
4:00-5:15pm: Search, PR and the Social Butterfly

As usual, you can find additional liveblogging coverage over at the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog and at Search Engine Roundtable. So regardless of how you like your coverage, there’s a little something for everyone. Unless you don’t like liveblogging at all. And in that case, please go kick a rock rather than tweeting me about it. See you guys in NYC. ;)

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