Coming soon: Where and When to Find Us

May 9, 2012
By Emily Cote in Internet Marketing Conferences

Want to see more of Outspoken Media? Here’s where we will be hanging out at in the coming months. We’re always happy to meet new people and catch up with the industry’s finest, so please come and say ‘hi’ if you catch us at one of these events:

SMX Advanced – June 5th-6th

I am speaking at SMX AdvancedSMX Advanced is fast approaching! This conference is loaded with some great speakers this year, including keynotes from Matt Cutts, Google’s head of web spam, and Derrick Connell of Bing’s Search Program Management team. Besides contributing to the creation of Bing, we’re pretty sure Derrick has an amazing Irish accent.

Michelle, Rhea and I will all be attending, and Michelle will be liveblogging the event. If you haven’t already, make sure to Like us on Facebook, add us to your circles on Google+ and follow us on Twitter to get up-to-the-minute liveblogging coverage of the show.

Rhea is set to speak on two panels. She, along with Marty Weintraub of aimClear and Aaron Friedman of Resolution Media, will be talking about how to survive personalization with Bing and Google in the SEO track. Then, Rhea will join Michael King or iAcquire and Merry Marud of aimClear on a panel to discuss hardcore social media and SEO tools designed to make your job easier and a little more awesome. You won’t want to miss that.

At this point, All Access passes are all sold out… hopefully you bought your tickets! You can still register for the network or workshop-only passes.

MozCon Seattle – July 25th-27th

MozCon 2012Seattle will be a beautiful place to return to in the heart of summer. Rhea will be speaking about online reputation management on the 26th. There are a lot of exceptionally talented SEOs presenting here including: Ian Lurie, Annie Cushing, Joanna Lord, Wil Reynolds, AJ Kohn, Jen Lopez and Greg Boser–just to name a few. ;-)

Be sure to register soon!

PubCon, Vegas – October 15th-19th

Pubcon Vegas 2012The whole Outspoken Media gang is going to this one! We’ll be speaking, liveblogging, attending and hopefully sharing a drink with you. I am particularly excited, since I fell absolutely head-over-heels for Vegas during a recent vacation there. I can’t wait to go back, and I am seriously stoked about some of the talent that will be presenting at Pubcon.

October may seem far away, but these tickets sell fast. If you haven’t registered, yet, now might be a good time!

So, that’s where we’ll be. Where are you planning to be this year? Are there any events that you are particularly excited about? Who are you most excited to see speak? What topics would you like to see covered? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

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