Corporate Blogs & Social Media – Let’s Chat. Tonight.

June 20, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Content Strategy

Hey. What are you doing tonight? I was thinking maybe we’d hang out and talk about corporate blogging, social media, and how to NOT pen the most boring corporate blog in the history of the world? What do you think? Up for it?

I hope so.

Tonight I’m flattered to be the featured guest on #SocialChat where the topic will be The Social Side of Corporate Blogging.

I know a few things about corporate blogging, starting my career as the voice of the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog and now helping clients to build corporate blog strategies and keep the content flowing as Chief Branding Officer at Outspoken Media. According to HubSpot, 65 percent of businesses are blogging. That means there are officially MORE companies blogging than not. With more voices in the market and an increased importance in blogging, it means you not only have to be maintaining a corporate blog, but that you need to be using it effectively. And that’s the conversation will focus on tonight.

How can you get in on the action? Easy.

Grab a drink and join the #SocialChat room tonight, Monday, June 20 at 9pm Eastern and have a conversation with me. It’s sure to be a good time and I can’t think of a better way to spend a Monday night than with you guys. Hope to see you there.

Thanks to Alan K’necht for and Michelle Stinson Ross for putting this together and inviting me to be part of it.

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