Expert Week Returns To Outspoken Media!

June 21, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

Do you know what time it is? It’s time for Lisa to go on vacation for a week and recover her sanity before she ends up beating commenters to death. Huzzah! It’s true, next week you’re in for a treat because there will be zero Lisa blogging here on Outspoken. Instead, I’ll be roadtripping from Albany to Key West and trying to dodge the oil as I go. However, that doesn’t mean the blog will be quiet in my absence, not even a little.

You may remember that last year we introduced Expert Week on the Outspoken blog. It’s the one week of the year where I relinquish control and hand the blog off to some great minds and powerful voices. Well, we’re about to do it again. Pull up a chair. I’d like to introduce you to the names and faces you’ll see posting here all next week.


Monday, June 28: Meg Geddes (aka Netmeg)

Netmeg has been watching idiots since 1985 and I’ve been listening to her tweet about them since 2007. In a world where “faking it” is as accepted as “knowing it”, Meg stands out for not only knowing it herself, but knowing when to call others out for, well, not. She’s our leadoff hitter and will be setting the tone for the rest of the week.  Also, the 28th is my birthday. No pressure, Meg!

Tuesday, June 29: Michelle Robbins

Michelle Robbins is the Director of Technology for Sphinn, Search Engine Land, Search Marketing Expo & Search Marketing Now at Third Door Media. That means Michelle has her hands in many of the search encounters you have on the Web. She also happens to be one of my favorite search ladies. In fact, I decided that if I can’t grow up to be Vanessa Fox, I want to be Michelle Robbins.

Wednesday, June 30: Ross Hudgens

Ross Hudgens caught my eye when he emailed me about his 8 Importance Voices in Tech post. Curious to see who this Pete Cashmore-double was, I did some healthy Ross-stalking and liked what I found. Turns out this one’s a smartie with a great perspective and I’m really excited to see him blogging here next week. I like to consider Ross my wildcard. I have faith he’ll deliver something great.

Thursday, July 1: Alex Bennert

Alex Bennert is the in-house SEO for a tiny publication called the Wall Street Journal, which means she works with sites touting more pages than I have snappy comebacks. I’m pretty sure she thought I was kidding when I asked her to pretty-pretty-please blog for Outspoken Media, but I’m glad she said yes anyway.  She’s gonna bring some amazing SEO smarts and I’m super excited to see what she’s going to come out with. To be honest, I’m jealous you’re gonna get to read it before I do.

Friday, July 2: Joe Hall

To prepare you for July 4, we’re bring in the explosions a little early giving Joe Hall the enviable Friday blogging spot.  You best know Joe from WhosTalkin and as Andy Beal’s sidekick. I know Joe as someone who likes to test the limits and deliver powerful kicks to the fact.  Wherever you planned to be next Friday, come here instead.  Joe’s going to bring it. Hard.

Saturday, July 3: Michael Streko

When Michael Streko found out I was inviting people to come blog, he pretty much demanded to be a part of it. To amuse him (and you), he’s been given the honor of creating a Streko-ized edition of the Weekend Coffee Links. That’s right, Streko is going to show you all the things that he has found amusing. I wouldn’t show up to Saturday sober. All I can promise you is that there will be no profanity, nudity or proper punctuation. I made him pinky swear on those first two, the latter is just to be expected.

Monday, July 5: Virginia Nussey

Virginia Nussey is the voice and muscle behind the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog and the company’s SEM Synergy podcast. I’m super excited to invite her over to Outspoken and I hope our sandbox encourages her to bring the more ‘outspoken’ side of her personality. Because though Virginia likes to pretend she’s mild-mannered over at Bruce Clay (remember when I did, too?), she’s anything but. C’mon, Virginia. Let it out. ;)

So what’d I say, killer line up, right? Make sure you tune in next week because there’s going to be a lot of fun to be had. If you need me, well, I’ll be on the beach without a Blackberry or connection to the internet. Don’t come looking.

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