How Google, Bing & iStock Define Marketing

August 4, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Online Marketing

Sometimes I feel like we waste a lot of time with the talking. Or, perhaps, I waste a lot of time with the talking. We have conversations here about what things are, what they’re not, and then waste more time questioning what all of that means. I thought today I’d see what others have already said instead of reinventing the wheel.

The question on my mind today? What is marketing?

First I thought I’d ask Google. After all, if anyone has experience with marketing and dealing with marketers, it’s the number one search engine, right?

Google says that marketing is…


So, it’s everywhere, it’s storytelling and it’s everyone’s job? I’d agree with that.   But knowing what marketing is is only have the battle. We also have to know what marketing is not.  On the flip side, Google says that marketing is not…


Marketing isn’t dead, it’s not a dirty word and it’s a process, not an event.  Good going, Google.

In attempt to at least appear bi-partisan, I also asked Bing.  Bing came to a slightly more magical conclusion about things.

Marketing is magic.

When it came to what marketing is NOT, Bing didn’t waste any time.  They seemed pretty certain and I can’t say I really disagree.

But why should search engines get the only say? What about photo sharing sites? How would they visually represent marketing?  I asked iStock and got a three-part answer.

iStock defined marketing as the act of using search engine optimization…


To allow marketers to reach through the computer screen…

And hit their customers in the head with a targeted offer.


But what about you? Without using too many words, how would YOU define marketing?  Tell me, show me, sing me a song about it.  I don’t care, I just want to know.


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