What Was Your Defining SEO Career Moment?

March 6, 2012
By Lisa Barone in SEO

Someone asked me yesterday about my “defining SEO moment”.  Essentially, they wanted to know how I got *here* and what decision or moment stands out in mind as being “key” to everything that has happened since. I thought about it for awhile and, in doing so, realized that there have truthfully been a lot of defining moments in this little SEO career of mine. Some moments that immediately jumped out at me?

  • Hounding & stalking Bruce Clay, Inc. for two weeks in January 2006 before they finally agreed to hire me.
  • Getting painfully threadwatch’d a few months later.
  • Getting figuratively hit by a bus after this.
  • Moving from LA to Troy, NY.
  • The moment Rhea and I decided to stop living by others’ standards and started Outspoken Media.
  • Getting weird at TEDxAlbany.
  • And so many more along the way.

Thinking about the question for myself made me want to hear from others. I asked my Twitter followers about their defining moment. What was the moment that got them here? I have to admit, I was pretty taken back by the insightfulness of many of the answers. So much so that I decided to include the responses I received here. I think you’ll agree they’re pretty kickass.

If your story isn’t here, I’d love it if you’d share it in the comments below.

What is your defining SEO career moment?

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