All Over Albany

Work Week: Capital Region entrepreneurs on what they wish they’d known at the start

“I’d tell myself to have more confidence and to trust my gut. I’d also tell myself to find a business…

“I’d tell myself to have more confidence and to trust my gut. I’d also tell myself to find a business consultant/mentor outside of the company who could guide my understanding of business fundamentals, legal concerns, accounting/cash flow, partnerships, and management experience (of people and projects). Lastly, I’d tell myself to not try to do everything at once. By breaking tasks into simpler quarterly goals and focusing on what’s important, not urgent, I can accomplish far more than running around without my head.”


SEO Trademark Registration Terminated

on Mar 15 by Rhea Drysdale

Two years ago I set out on what would become one of the biggest challenges in my life to date.…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Local + Social: The Future of Promotion

on Mar 24 by Lisa Barone

We’re back! And it’s time to talk about some local and social goodness.  Don’t tell anyone but these are often…

Online Marketing
Online Marketing

Sometimes Your Customers Just Want The Box

on Oct 26 by Lisa Barone

The holidays are coming! And do you know what that means? It means you’re about to spend the next two…

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