The Guardian

How Google’s search algorithm spreads false information with a rightwing bias

Rhea Drysdale, the CEO of digital marketing company Outspoken Media, did not see evidence of pro-Clinton editing by Google. However,…

Rhea Drysdale, the CEO of digital marketing company Outspoken Media, did not see evidence of pro-Clinton editing by Google. However, she did note networks of partisan websites – disproportionately rightwing – using much better search engine optimization techniques to ensure their worldview ranked highly.

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Keynote – An Insider’s Look At Google Research

on Mar 3 by Lisa Barone

Hey, hey, morning people!  If you’re back with us from yesterday, welcome back! Or, if you just found us, we’re…

Social Media
Social Media

5 Advantages Small-Time Bloggers Get…& Lose

on Apr 4 by Lisa Barone

I received an email the other day from a blogger just getting started. Actually, she’s been at it for more…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Real Time Marketing: Your Brand and Your Site

on Mar 24 by Lisa Barone

Good morning, friends. Congratulations on making it to Day 3 of SES NY. It seems like just yesterday we were…

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