SEO Drummers & The Same Old Tune

December 23, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Online Marketing

Well, it’s just you and me here to wrap up our 12 Days of SEO fest. After more than two weeks of posts, it’s come to this – 12 Drummers Drumming. Twelve people who can do nothing but beat the same drum year after year…after year… after year.

Remind you of anyone?

It reminds me of SEOs and social media experts. And fine, maybe those of us who blog abut SEO and social media experts. We all have a bad habit of wasting spending our time rehashing the same old arguments that, in the end, get us nowhere but further behind.

Some prime industry-specific examples?

  • Why SEO is dead/ Why SEO is definitely not dead
  • Black hat, white hat, grey hat, no hat
  • Why you should buy links/ Why you should totally NOT buy links
  • Why keyword density is the end-all/be-all to SEO/ Why keyword density is a poor man’s SEO metric
  • Blogs needs comments/ Blog without comments
  • Why rankings matter/ Why rankings don’t matter
  • We need SEO certification/ SEO certification is evil and biased
  • Google is good/ Google is evil
  • The “ethics” of doing anything
  • Who is or is not Matt Cutts new best friend

Here’s an interesting concept for 2012 — What if we stopped being drummers who drummed and actually did stuff?

Because, as entertaining as they sometimes are, what are those rants and debates and flame wars getting you? Are they moving your business forward or are they allowing you to waste 30 minutes of your day snacking on empty calories and bitterness?

If it’s not making you money or moving you forward, you shouldn’t be spending your time on it. Sure, we’ll all falter and spend just too much time on Twitter sometimes. And, yes, it’s always going to be more entertaining to bitch than to create. But it gets you nowhere. Strive for better going forward.

We need more creators in the industry. We need more experimenters, more testers, and more leaders. We need fewer false idols.

The next time you’re faced with the choice of reacting or creating – opt to create something. Spend your time there instead of bathing in the knee jerk reactions. We all want this industry to mature, to excel and to command more respect. So how about putting down the drums and letting the horse rest?

You don’t have to seek attention to get attention. Get attention by doing and creating cool stuff.

Happy Holidays.

We hope you enjoyed our 12 Days of SEO. We’ll be taking a little break to celebrate the holidays and spend time with family.  We’ll see you in January. Same time, same place, k?


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