The Outspoken Media Video Intro

April 14, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Online Marketing

Hey. I was playing around with Google’s new Search Stories Video Creator this afternoon and decided Outspoken Media needed it’s own search story video.  What do you think?

I think we’re just missing the puppy that scampers along at the end. ;)

All kidding aside, I think Google’s new video creation tool is really neat.  If you’re a small business owner looking for a fun and simple way to use search to tell a story, these short videos can have a great impact. Plus, because you decide on your own search terms and what vertical you want to query [Web, Blogs, Images, etc], you get to create your own vanity highlight reel to document how awesome you are to your customers.  Pretty cool, right?

It’s a slow Wednesday and I want to play a game. I dare you to create a video [use the link on the left] and leave it in the comments. In fact, I double dog dare you. You can even make it about Outspoken if you want.  ;)

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