OSM’s SMX West, PubCon South Schedule

February 28, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

Hey, hey, kids! It’s Monday. That means we’re just over a week away from dueling Internet marketing conferences. Exciting, right? I know! Even better, you can count on Outspoken Media to bring you coverage from not one conference, but both. It will all be coming to you live from the Outspoken Media blog, so if you’re not yet subscribed to the madness, now is a very good time to do that.

Subscribe. We’ll wait.

Thanks to time zones, the action will kick off in Austin, Texas with PubCon South hitting hard and fast on March 8-9. If you’re attending, make sure to track down Michelle who will be on hand to act as our roving reporter, posting daily summaries of what’s going on to keep everyone informed on the best sessions, the juiciest tidbits and all the conference highlights.

On the West Coast, SMX West will be kicking into high gear March 8-10. If you’re attending, you’ll want to mark your calendars to catch Rhea speaking on the Ratings, Reviews & Reputation: Their Growing Impact On Search, as well as Day 3’s SEO Site Clinic (2) & the Linkbuilding clinic. Of course, I’ll also be on hand to bring you some hot and heavy liveblogging.

You can find my schedule below:

Tuesday, March 8

Wednesday, March 9

Thursday, March 10

What do you think? Anything you wish we covered but we’re not? Any sessions you’re particularly looking forward to? Want to shout out the conference you’ll be at and maybe find a dinner date? The comments are yours.

Also, if you’re looking for additional SMX West coverage, the fine folks at Search Engine Roundtable have posted their blogging schedule and there’s a rumor Bruce Clay, Inc’s will be posted later today on the blog. So keep an eye on those guys.

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