Liveblogging Schedule for Affiliate Summit East ’09

July 31, 2009
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

I hope NYC is bracing itself, because Affiliate Summit East is right around the corner and we’re about to blow that city up with knowledge and mayhem. Muahaha!

I’m super stoked to head down to Affiliate Summit in just over a week. If you’ve haven’t taken a look at the Agenda (shame on you!), it’s packed with great stuff. For example, I think I may head down to the venue early just so I can camp out in front of Brian Solis’ session on the conversation prism. A chance to dissect and analyze brand conversations for an entire hour? Pardon me while I go have the Best. Day. Ever!

If you’ll be attending the show, you’ll want to make sure you’re around for Rae’s Organic Site Review panel. She’ll be tearing apart sites along with Michael Gray, Michael Streko, and Frank Watson. And to put the cherry in your sundae, it will all be moderated by Thesis hottie Chris Pearson. Which, I mean, is cute. I didn’t know you could fit that much trouble into an hour. But I guess you can.

But enough about them, below you’ll find my liveblogging schedule. I know I’m pretty excited about it.

Sunday, Day 1

12:00pm-1:00pm: Getting Noticed FAST
1:30pm-2:30pm: Igniting Viral Campaigns by Creating Relevant Conversations
3:00pm-4:00pm: What the Heck is a Website Nowadays?

Monday, Day 2

9:45am-10:45am: Opening Remarks & Keynote with Jim Kukral and Chris Brogan
11:30am-12:30pm: SEO Tools You Can Use Today
2:00pm-3:00pm: Social Media Marketing for Affiliates
3:30pm-4:30pm: The Conversation Prism v2.0

Tuesday, Day 3

10:00am-11:15am: Opening Remarks and Keynote with Jim Kukral and Peter Shankman
11:30am-12:30pm: Profitable Performance Marketing: More Money for You
2:00pm-3:00pm: Hot Topics in Marketing Compliance and Enforcement
3:15pm-4:15pm: Live!

I should note that you won’t find any coverage on Outspoken for the Search Engine Strategies San Jose show. They always put on an exceptional week of learning, but trying to cover both shows back-to-back seemed like it might kill me. However, as usual, you can find top notch coverage of that event on both the Bruce Clay, Inc. blog and Search Engine Roundtable. [If you happen to see Virginia or Barry blogging, maul them both with a hug for me, k? You guys are the best.]

Also, the week following Affiliate Summit you’ll be treated to a Week of Experts here on the blog. If you’re not subscribed, I’d encourage you to do that now. Some of my absolute favorite people, both in the industry and out, will be stopping by to drop some hardcore knowledge on you. Where will I be? I’ll be in Dublin! More on all that later.


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