Why I’m Stepping Down

April 12, 2012
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

A few weeks ago I let the team know of my decision to resign from Outspoken Media, the company I helped found and build over the past three years. Now it’s time to let everyone else know, as well.

One thing is for sure – I couldn’t have asked for a better learning environment. Outspoken Media was started because of our desire to do better, to be better, and to create something we didn’t think existed in the market. And three years later, I truly believe that we have. We’ve created something that serves clients, serves our industry, and that provides an extraordinary amount of value. I’m incredibly proud of it and the team that we’ve assembled here, people who believe in the same high standards we do and who strive to not just meet them, but surpass them, every day.

Outside of just growing a great company, the past three years have treated me to an amazing degree of personal growth. I’ve never loved or fought for anything as hard as I’ve loved and fought for Outspoken Media. And I wouldn’t change any of it. But it’s time for me to make a move. A friend tweeted not long ago that time and how we spend it is our most precious commodity. Each choice is an investment in our future. I’ve never believed that as strongly as I do today. That your priorities are the things you do, not the things you say you do. And how you spend your time matters. It defines you.

While the lessons I’ve learned on this road of entrepreneurism will stay with me forever, it’s a path and a lifestyle no longer in sync with where my heart is. And I can’t ignore that. I’m not entirely sure what that will mean for me or what my next adventure will be, but I know that right now is when I need to find out. It’s the right time for me and for Outspoken Media to make a change.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but Outspoken Media will continue to be a success. I thank the team for everything that we’ve built together and I thank Rhea for her partnership, for being my sister through it all and her commitment to the Outspoken Media vision. We wouldn’t have gotten here or built what we have without each other. I couldn’t leave without her full support.

Rhea will post tomorrow to let you know what you can expect from Outspoken Media in the future and all the magic that they have in store. If I were you, I’d stay tuned for that because an even more badass chapter of Outspoken is on its way. I know I’ll be watching and cheering them on with all I have.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past three years and your continued support of Outspoken Media. Your support has, and continues, to mean everything.

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