Let’s Get Naked & Shape the OSM Newsletter

February 8, 2012
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

Here’s the thing: We want to be more intimate you. Er, I mean, we want to be closer. It’s just that we have all these THINGS we want to tell you and talk to you about. Things about Outspoken Media as a company, about SEO, social media, link building, branding, about a wide variety of topics, really. And we want to do it in a more personal setting. So we thought maybe an Outspoken Media newsletter might be in order. A place where we could all get naked and just talk about the things we think you’d really find useful. So that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to birth a brand new OSM addition – our very own newsletter.

We’re working with folks on our end to help put it together, but before we get too far, we wanted to give you the opportunity to help shape it. After all, it is YOU we want to get down and dirty with. We want your input.

So while we’re working on putting something together, we’re giving you the opportunity to help shape it. After all, it’s you we want to get down and dirty with. We want your input.

Embedded below you’ll find a few questions that will really help us as we put together the Outspoken Media newsletter. If you could take a few minutes to fill them out, we’d be your forever fans. Even more than we already are. If the embed is being wonky (which embeds sometimes are), you can view the full survey direct by going here.  And, really, thanks again.

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