Announcing Expert Week 2011

July 7, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

Hey all. Next week we’ll continue one of my favorite summer traditions here on the blog. It’s when I go on vacation and let some of this industry’s most awesome voices take over for a week*. Huzzah! And this year, the fun will continue with five more super smart folks. Some are newer to the space, others are people I’ve been stalking for a while, and at least one used to be my boss. It’s gonna be a good time. You’ll get to learn things from some killer people and I’ll get to sit by the pool without feeling guilty.

What’s better than that?

Ready to meet the people who will be manning the blog while I’m sitting in the sun writing about my feelings?

Monday, July 11 – Andrew Norcross

I’ll let you in on a little secret. There is more than one female in this office with a crush on Andrew Norcross. He’s kind of a house favorite. And it’s because he’s a talented Web developer/ WordPress designer who doesn’t just show up, but who brings it in everything he does. He’s got an opinion, he’s got a whole lot of edge, and he’s all about the rock ‘n roll. When it came time to pick names for Expert Week, I couldn’t think of anyone else to start us off on the right foot.

Tuesday, July 12 – Jen Lopez Ben Cook

I’m a big fan of people who have a voice and who aren’t afraid to use it. And Ben Cook aka Skittzo is definitely one of those people.  I’m not sure what Skittzo is going to rant, er, write about, but I have total faith in him to blow your minds, if not slightly offend you at the same time. ;) I just asked that he please not get us banned from the Internet. Kidding aside, Ben’s a really smart guy and we’re lucky to have him. I appreciate him stepping up in a pinch.

[Jen Lopez from SEOmoz was originally given the Tuesday slot but is currently undergoing chemo and felt like she needed to postpone her post and just go with the flow.  We’re sending her lots of hugs and are looking forward to a true Jennita blog whipping once she’s feeling up to speed.  Feel better, Jen! :) ]

Wednesday, July 13 – DJ Waldow

Dude. In January, Rhea and I sat down and plotted out a plan for the year. One of my goals was to find a way to get DJ Waldow to post on Outspoken Media and next week that goal will finally become reality. DJ is all about bringing email marketing and social media together, two things that I really love. DJ bathes in awesome and, don’t tell him, but my plan for 2012 is to finally hunt him down and meet him in real life. DJ blogs over on Social Butterfly Guy. You can find him online by typing “DJ Waldow” in the search engine of your choice.

Thursday, July 14 – Justin Briggs

Distilled’s Justin Briggs was one of the new faces I met during SMX Advanced and he simply blew me away. He gave a great presentation during the linkbuilding session and he, along with his cohort Ben Estes, kept me and Sabre in giggles when we had the chance to chat with them during one of the networking parties. He’s a fresh voice, a smart voice, and someone who deserves to be on everybody’s radar. I’m just lucky we got him to share some insight here before he gets too famous for all of us.

Friday, July 15 – Susan Esparza

Most of you know that just a few years ago, Susan was my boss when I worked at Bruce Clay. That means it was HER job to keep me in line. Poor thing. Though no longer my boss, she’s become a good friend and I asked her to be part of Expert Week on Friday because I’m hoping she’ll tell a story that only she can tell. Susan doesn’t blog much these days, but I’ve always thought she has one of the most authentic voices in our industry. I wouldn’t miss her post on Friday.  But don’t tell her I said that. We have a mock rivalry we’re supposed to be keeping up.

That’s it. Those are the five great folks who will be pitching in here next week while I grab some down time. Make sure you tune in next week because I have no doubt these all-stars are going to bring the magic and the fire.

*And yes, I know what you’re thinking, “weren’t you off LAST week?” But I didn’t know that was happening (Rhea is sneaky and surprised me) and I wasn’t off, I just wasn’t blogging. So, there. Also, LEAVE ME ALONE! ;)


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