A New Era For Outspoken Media

December 11, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

Two years ago Outspoken Media formed under the leadership of Rhea Drysdale, Rae Hoffman-Dolan and myself.   In that time we’ve built a brand is that is based on excellence, results and just a little bit of attitude. We’ve created a family not just amongst ourselves, but in the clients and the strong team of employees we’ve brought on board. Today we announce that Rae has stepped down and is no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of Outspoken Media. Acting CEO responsibilities have been passed on to Rhea Drysdale, representing a new era for Outspoken Media, one that we are both excited and confident about.

Our focus today is serving our clients and continuing to bring them the results they’ve grown accustomed to over the past two years.  We thank Rae for everything she brought to the company and wish her an enormous amount of love and success as she prepares to move her family to Houston, Texas.   As usual, we also thank the community for their unwavering support.  We’re Outspoken Media and we’ll still be kicking ass.

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