
In Defense of Godin, Google, and Open Systems

“Faster than you can say “brandjacking,” bloggers, usually in love with the kind Mr. Godin, cried foul. Posting discussions about…

“Faster than you can say “brandjacking,” bloggers, usually in love with the kind Mr. Godin, cried foul. Posting discussions about brands without their permission? Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media called it “hostage taking.” TechCrunch said Godin was forcing brands to “unlock” their pages for a price.”

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Ben Huh, CEO Cheezburger Network

on Oct 5 by Lisa Barone

z0mg, I can haz keynote! Sorry. It’s the last session and I couldn’t help myself. Up on stage we have…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Leveraging SEO Power Tools

on Jun 8 by Lisa Barone

Hello! How was your lunch? I hope it was everything you wanted it to be.  I had coffee and chocolate.…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Advanced SEO Strategies: Integrating Analytics, Usability, Persuasion and Journalism

on Mar 24 by Lisa Barone

I have to admit, the journalism geek in me is pretty excited for this one. Not to mention the fact…

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