Times Union

On the Cover: Rhea Drysdale at Outspoken Media

One of the big challenges in this industry, as you can imagine, is the constant updates to technology and search…

One of the big challenges in this industry, as you can imagine, is the constant updates to technology and search algorithms — that secret code that dictates where your website lands in searches. The key to maintaining, Drysdale says, is to stay informed but also invest in a smart strategy. “A lot of companies flirt with that high-risk approach [of trying to game the algorithms], but we’re not that company,” she says. “We’re a conservative, long-term investment. A lot of people make SEO sound like hackers, but we’re much more financial advisers.”


Let’s Get Naked & Shape the OSM Newsletter

on Feb 8 by Lisa Barone

Here’s the thing: We want to be more intimate you. Er, I mean, we want to be closer. It’s just…

Online Marketing
Online Marketing

Webcast: Direct Marketing for Small Businesses

on Apr 16 by Lisa Barone

I do a fair amount of liveblogging in my job. Okay, that’s an understatement. I do a lot of liveblogging.…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Internet Marketing Conferences

Iran & Michael Jackson – What Marketers Can Learn From How Consumers Search For Current Events

on Oct 6 by Lisa Barone

We’re back from lunch and done ogling the babies of Tamar Weinberg and Danielle and Chris Winfield. They were cute…

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