“Next, I contacted Rhea Drysdale, a search-engine-optimization expert at OutspokenMedia.com. Ms. Drysdale explained that I needed to focus on linking my online presences to each other — that is, my Twitter page would link to my LinkedIn page, which would link to my biography on my book-publisher’s site. These interlinkages are key to understanding Google’s page-ranking system.”

A Makeover for Your Google Results
“Next, I contacted Rhea Drysdale, a search-engine-optimization expert at OutspokenMedia.com. Ms. Drysdale explained that I needed to focus on linking…

Online Marketing
The Most Important, Can’t-Ignore Law of Email Marketing
on Aug 15 by Lisa Barone
Hey you! Yes…you, the one sending out all those email newsletters. We need to talk. I mean, sure, we’ve already…

Getting to Know Your Bots: Robots.txt 101
on Apr 23 by Rhea Drysdale
It’s Monday and that means it’s time to get fired up about the week. What better way to kick things…

Internet Marketing Conferences
Ask the Linkbuilders
on Oct 6 by Lisa Barone
One Q&A session down, one more to go. And this one is all about links. Which is basically like saying…