Keepin’ Up With Outspoken Media – Winter 2012 Edition

February 17, 2012
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

Yesterday we gave you our livebloging/speaking schedule for SMX West 2012 which will be taking place in just under two weeks. But that’s not the only conference on the horizon for us this winter. In fact, it’s not even the first one up. We thought we’d take a few minutes today to let you know where you can expect to find Outspoken Media over the next couple of months. I mean, how else are you supposed to stalk us if you don’t tell you exactly where we are?



SearchFest 2012

Portland’s premier search marketing and social media conference, SearchFest 2012, will kick off next Friday, February 24 and will feature a pretty awesome speaker line up, including Justin Briggs, Rand Fishkin, Ian Lurie, Tim Mayer, Marty Weintraub, Will Scott and other people that we really, really love around here. Oh, and of course, RHEA will be speaking, too! ;) Those attending will find Rhea speaking on the afternoon’s Universal Search session taking place with Marshall Simmonds. Make sure you stop in to see it. And if you’re going make sure you hang around for Wil Reynold’s closing keynote. You know that’s going to kick some serious ass. Mostly because he does.

If you don’t want to miss the fun but haven’t purchased your ticket yet, registration is still open. You know what to do.

SMX West 2012

As we told you yesterday, Rhea and I will both be attending SMX West 2012, which kicks off on February 28th and runs til March 1. Rhea will head straight from Portland to San Jose and then I’ll hop on about twelve different planes to meet her there. Yey, for living in Upstate New York! :) Rhea’s speaking schedule (an impressive three sessions!) and my liveblogging schedule (a light 14 sessions) can both be found in our post from yesterday in case you missed it.

Again, if you don’t want to miss out on the learning and networking at SMX West, time is running out to register for the big show. And with so many of this industry’s top speakers can you really afford not to go? Yeah. I didn’t think so.

I’ll meet you at the bar. ;)

LinkLove Boston

On April 2, Distilled’s LinkLove Boston Conference will take over the city and I, for one, cannot wait. Boston is one of my most favorite cities and this will be my first time attending one of the Distilled events. I have it on pretty good word that it’s going to be exceptionally awesome. Rhea will be in town to speak on the topic of how to build out a link development calendar and what types of links you should acquire and when, I’ll be there offering full liveblogging coverage, and we’ll also be bringing Outspoken’s SEO Manager Joe Schaefer to mingle and learn for the first time. Yes, I know. You’re all excited to meet the man who cohabitates with us. We’re excited to introduce him to you. So make sure you register and get your butt to Boston on April 2nd. It’s gonna be a rockin’ time.

That’s where we’ll be for the next few months. If you’re interested, LeadsCon will be happening in Las Vegas on February 28-29 at the Mirage Hotel and Casino and is targeted toward those in the online lead generation industry. It’s rockin’ a pretty sweet agenda, if you haven’t heard of it and you were looking for a reason to jet off to Vegas for a couple of days. We won’t be attending this one but, if you are, we’d love to hear about it.

Will we be seeing you at any of the events listed above? Any events we’re not hitting that you think we should be? Let us know.

Internet Marketing Conferences
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