SMX West 2010 Speaking & Liveblogging Schedule

February 16, 2010
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

It’s snowing really prettily outside right now. It’s kind of hard to concentrate on anything else. Wait? Why are we here? Oh yes, SMX West is only two weeks away! Are you getting excited yet? I am!

We all have our personal favorite shows and I’m being sincere when I say that SMX West is mine. Everyone always shows up hyped for a new year and there’s something about its close-knit vibe and proximately to In N Out Burger that makes West stand out in my mind above all others. Of course, the knowledge overload is pretty awesome, as well.

This time around, you’ll be able to catch both Rae and Rhea speaking and sharing their search wisdom. Rhea will be speaking on Thursday’s Social Media, Search & Reputation Management session, while Rae will be doing a double-header the same day with the always-popular Ask The SEOs and Ask The Link Builders sessions.

If you won’t be at the show this time around, I offer you my humble liveblogging schedule to help you feel part of the fun. Unfortunately, I can’t replicate the Double Double goodness from In N Out that you’ll be missing.  [Careful. You’re…um, you’re drooling…]

Tuesday, March 2

9:00am-9:45am: Keynote Conversation: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
10:45am-12:00m: Real Time Search & The Major Engines
1:15pm-2:30pm: Mobile Search Apps & Opportunities
3:00pm-4:15pm: Keyword Research: Beyond the Ordinary
4:30-5:45pm: The Current State of Social Search [I assume the answer to this will be “in the shitter”, but I’m gonna go find out for sure. For you guys.]

Wednesday, March 3

9:15am-10:00am: Keynote – An Insider’s Look At Google Research
10:45am-12:00pm: Diagnosing Technical SEO Issues
1:30pm-2:45pm: Free Ways To Market On Facebook
3:15pm-4:30pm: Industrial Strength SEO
4:45pm-6:00pm: 60 minutes Per Day For Social Media Success

Thursday, March 4

9:00am-9:45am: Keynote – The State of The Search Union
10:00am-11:15am: Bringing SEO In House: How To Be Successful
11:30am-12:30pm: Ask The Search Engines
1:30pm-2:30pm: Ask The SEOs
2:45pm-3:45pm: Social Media, Search & Reputation Management

If you were looking for a session we’re not hitting, Bruce Clay Inc. has already published its own blogging schedule, and we hear that Search Engine Roundtable and AimClear will also be providing coverage.  Hopefully between all of us you’ll get what you’re looking for. :)

All in all, SMX West promises to be another great show from a strong conference series. If you’re making it out to the show, please find us and say hello. One reason I’m a fan of SMX West is because its considerably more intimate than some of the larger shows, which means a lot more face time with old friends and new.  If you don’t want to miss out, there’s still time to register. I hope you do.

We’ll see you from the conference floor. I’m gonna go continue to watch the snow now.

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