
Pubcon 2012 Las Vegas Coverage: Day Two, Morning

October 17, 2012
By Pearl Higgins in Internet Marketing Conferences

PubconGood Afternoon! The exhibit halls are open, and the sessions are in full swing again. We’ve got more great coverage for you from this morning, with a second post on the way for this afternoon. Like we said yesterday, if you’re attending and didn’t have a chance to make a certain session, or didn’t attend at all, but want a visual summary of the good parts, check out our coverage below.

PubCon Las Vegas 2012, Wednesday, October 17th


Morning Takeaways

Content Strategy:

Good content strategy is not just about fitting in keywords, or filling out your site, it’s about story telling. The panelists emphasized the need to not only tell a story that engages your audience with a beginning, middle, and end, but to focus on the purpose of your story. By thinking through what your audience is looking for in your brand, and what you as a brand want to tell them, you’ll develop more successful and engaging content.

Algo-Proofing–Sustainable SEO:

One of the best takeaways from Algo-Proofing came from Ryan Jones, “Good SEOs optimize for Google today.  Great SEO’s optimize for the Google of the future.” The whole panel echoed a similar sentiment, urging the audience to think long term about SEO, and to forget about short term fixes.  The most sustainable practices are based in focusing on the user.


More good Pubcon 2012 coverage, check out:
PubCon Las Vegas 2012: Day 1 Coverage
PubCon Las Vegas 2012: Day Two, Afternoon
Pubcon 2012 Las Vegas Coverage: Day Three, Morning
PubCon 2012 Las Vegas Coverage: Day Three, Afternoon

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