Outspoken Media 2011 Blog Survey

April 7, 2011
By Lisa Barone in Announcements

Hey! I know you probably came here thinking you’d be reading something from me, but today I want to hear from you.

I want to know who you are, why you come here on a regular basis and what we could be doing to better your experience and continue to be a valuable resource for you. What do like, what do you wish was a little different, how could we make your wildest blog dreams come true?

Why am I asking? Because I think it’s important we check in every so often to re-sync with our audience. I want to make sure we continue to be a resource and that readers are constantly finding value in what we’re offering. Which is why I’m asking for your help today.

Below you’ll see a short, 12 questions survey that we’re asking readers to fill out to help us evaluate how we’re doing on the blog and what else you’d like to see. We’d love you forever if you’d fill out and give us your honest feedback. We’re nothing without you. Thanks in advance!

[You can also access the Outspoken Media Blog Survey via Google Docs up over here. ]

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