SMX West Liveblogging Schedule

February 10, 2009
By Lisa Barone in Internet Marketing Conferences

Hey, folks. Starting today we’ll be giving you full liveblogging coverage from SMX West here in Santa Clara. Through keynotes, conference sessions and all the mayhem that occurs in between, keep checking back here for full details at the Outspoken Media blog.  For your convenience, we’ll also be updating this post with links to the actual coverage.

So sit back, enjoy, and don’t mind me while I run around like a crazy person trying to get everything thing down for you.

And if you’re at the show, please, please track down either myself, Rae or Rhea and introduce yourself.  Rhea and I don’t bite and Rae promised she’d behave herself just this one time.

See ya on the floor! :)

Day 1: Tuesday, February 10

9:00am-9:45am: Keynote with Danny Sullivan
10:45am-12:00pm: Technical SEO Issues for Developers
1:15pm-2:30pm: The Dozen Most Common Mistakes Marketing Mistakes That CMOs Make
3:00pm-4:15pm: Search & Reputation Management
4:30pm-5:30pm: Search & Branding

Day 2: February 11

9:00am-9:45am: Keynote Conversation: Vint Cerf, Google, Inc.
10:30am-11:45am: Google’s SearchWiki, Customized & Personalized Results
1:15pm-2:30pm: SEO Status: Report Metrics
3:00pm-4:15pm: Just Behave, A Look at Searcher Behavior
4:30pm-5:45pm: 301 Redirect, How Much Do I Love You

Day 3: February 12

9:00am-9:45am: Keynote: John Battelle
10:00am-11:15am: In House: I’m Responsible for SEO, Now What?
11:30am-12:30pm: Ask the SEOs
1:30pm-2:30pm: Advanced Keyword Research Tactics
2:45pm-3:45pm: Productivity Tips for the Busy Search Marketer

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